Retronauts Episode 612: Documenting Game History from Virtual Boy to J-Pop
Books: where "p" stands for pages
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 582: Years in Review Revue: 1974 1984
Not a crook, where's the beef, etc.
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 503: Years in Review Revue: 1983 & 1993
From console crash to console WAR
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 473: Star Wars Episode I
Yousa thinking yousa people gonna podcast?
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 425: Years in Review Revue: 1972 & 1982
The legend of Pong begins!
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 387: The Atari 8-bit Legacy
We cover literally "hundreds" of computers in this episode!
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 362: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
"Our podcast is prepared. How's yours?"
, by Diamond Feit