Our Namco history deep-dive series continues with Episode 212
Highs AND lows, all in a single episode.
, by Jeremy Parish
Highs AND lows, all in a single episode.
Blasting our trash into the night sky, as Marie Kondo intended.
Get all caught up with a double dose of Retronauts East—including a live east/west crossover!
A goofy, if not surprising, new twist on a long-time Retronauts standard.
To celebrate, a bunch of dudes who didn't own Genesis consoles at the time talk about Sega's 16-bit system.
A Namco Museum, to be precise.
Plus, the Scarlet Witch whispers three words: "No more Micros."
It's always 9/9/99 in our hearts, baby.
Plus, mail from listeners like you—read aloud!
Punching Nazis is also acceptable, as is dicing them in flying wing propellers.