Retronauts Episode 330: No More Heroes
A.K.A. Episode 330: Why We Love Travis Touchdown
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 323: Bill & Ted + Spectrum Next
Prepare your ears for a most non-non-non-heinous podcast
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 312: Deadly Premonition
SWERY's $20 magnum opus is officially retro, Zach
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 311: Tales of Toad
For our Japanese listeners, that's Kinopio Monogatari
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 306: Monkey Island Mailbag
A million monkeys on a million typewriters could never have written all these wonderful letters
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 303: Game Boy Color
Despite the subject matter, our podcast remains monochromatic
, by Diamond Feit
Retronauts Episode 300: The Curse of Monkey Island
A new team takes the Monkey Island series in some bold new directions.
, by Bob Mackey
Retronauts Episode 294: Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
We produce perhaps the world's only podcast about the black sheep of the LucasArts catalog.
, by Bob Mackey