Super Mario Odyssey: A listener mail call
How does Mario's latest adventure evoke the past for you? Tell us about it!
How does Mario's latest adventure evoke the past for you? Tell us about it!
At last, therapy for those recurring nightmares where you're an I piece about to clear four lines and vanish forever.
This week, we field your questions about any and all things retro-related.
Yep, it's another one of those reader mailbag calls — the first of several this week.
Bushido Blade! Tobal! Ergheiz! If you punched wobbly triangles, tell us about it!
Ever program a stack? Or wander around with a page of a Link Book? Share your memories!
Reader mail offers a positive counterpoint to our grumpy Sunshine episode.
A SaGa by another name is... still every bit as weird a game. Share your lamentations on-air!
Share your opinions about and memories of Mega Man's 16-bit reinvention.
Great Final Fantasy or greatest Final Fantasy? Join the inevitable screaming argument in our upcoming podcast.
Share your wisdom and memories in our next SEGA arcade history episode!