Enjoy a peek into the future through listener mail
Enjoy previews of upcoming episodes in this Micro episode.
Enjoy previews of upcoming episodes in this Micro episode.
We take a look back at Sega's brief flirtation with edutainment via their lil' laptop for kids.
Punching Nazis is also acceptable, as is dicing them in flying wing propellers.
Your feedback takes the spotlight in this week's community focused bonus episode!
Wherein we get a reminder that there's no such thing as a truly objective documentary.
This week, we take a trip to the '80s and beyond and see how Nintendo (and others) made the world of gaming less inclusive.
Tetsuya Mizuguchi joins us again to explore the origins (and the Remaster!) of his synaesthetic PSP puzzler.
This week's bonus episode digs deep into the earliest years of video game marketing.
Save us, Dana Plato and anonymous video monitor guy!
We field your questions and comments about Sonic's move to the world of polygons.
From shrinking storage space to moldy microcomputer manuals, it ain't easy to maintain a personal computer museum.