Retronauts Episode 665: Fatal Fury
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We've given the Street Fighter series and Capcom's many spinoff fighters plenty of airtime in the last five years, but the Osaka company's crosstown rival SNK has spent decades crafting their own shared universe of martial artists. Today we take one small step towards levelling the playing field with an episode dedicated to SNK's one-time flagship fighting franchise, Fatal Fury.
Kevin Bunch sits in the hosting chair this week for a conversation about how Fatal Fury came about and how quickly the series established itself a loyal fanbase. Joining Kevin are frequent SNK advocate Diamond Feit, returning guest Brian Clark, and first-time guest Will Cuevas. We only found time to discuss the early years of Fatal Fury so look forward to a second round later this year. Find out next time if Geese Howard survives!
Description: Are you OK? Fatal Fury busts out, as hungry wolves Kevin Bunch, Diamond Feit, Brian Clark and Will Cuevas discuss the early years of SNK’s breakout hit fighting game series.
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Artwork for this episode by John Pading and editing thanks go to Greg Leahy.