WARNING: A huge retrospective video DARIUS TWIN is approaching fast!
Surprise, fish face!
Surprise, fish face!
Plus, mail from listeners like you—read aloud!
But most of all, Arthur dies. A lot. Yeah, it's Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts
An exhaustive, or perhaps just exhausting, look at Square's revolutionary marriage of gameplay and storytelling.
The history of one of the most influential of RPGs ever, as told by its co-creator.
We're wrapping up our SEGA arcade series, and YOU can be the one to put a bow on it.
It's a bionic celebration with HG101 at Long Island Retro Gaming Expo!
Punching Nazis is also acceptable, as is dicing them in flying wing propellers.
The power quartet regroups for a return to Sub-Con.
Or Dragon Warrior I & II if you want to be all like that.
Development director Eiji Ishida discusses the creation and recreation of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey