Another listener mail call: Savoring Suikoden I & II
Best PS1 RPGs or bestest PS1 RPGs? You make the call!
, by Jeremy Parish
Best PS1 RPGs or bestest PS1 RPGs? You make the call!
But it still won't help you beat the Grim Reaper, sorry.
We're gonna make this happen, folks.
Go east, young man.
"Mommy, where do Steel Divers come from?" "Well, when a Radar Mission and a 3DS love each other very very much..."
With Nippon Ichi's original SRPG coming to Switch and PS4, the only haven now is Xbox, maybe. (And that's fine!)
Begin a comprehensive, ongoing journey into the history of an arcade giant this week!
"Roadster? I don't even know 'er!"
Maybe not, but Monster Truck for Game Boy definitely ranks toward the bottom.
Yes, friends, it's another Retronauts listener mail solicitation.
Meet the creators of two very different games that took up the Metroid mantle.